The DW series drum winch no need certain of chain and rope

The DW series drum winch no need certain of chain and rope easy to use
• Polished 316 Stainless steel drum and bracket
• Marine grade aluminum alloy fully sealed gear box can take load on both direction and maintenance free.
• Suit any thickness of deck easy to install by yourself
• Motor/gearbox has 8 different degree mounting points

(1)、功能: 氣壓式剎車器及離合器在安裝方面因不受進氣口位置的限制,故非常容易安裝固定。由於本身散熱效果佳且滑動功率良好,故適合作張力控制或高頻率使用。有制動柔合的特性且可以用於過負載滑動保護。